Development QuickStart

If you’d like to get a local development environment up and running, for both the UI and REST API, this is how you’d do it.



You can follow these steps if it’s your first time setting up Syndesis, or if you want a fresh local installation to replace an existing one. Some environment-specific instructions may be available below as well.

  1. Make sure you have installed node version >= 6.x.x and Yarn version >= 0.18.1.
  2. Get a developer deployment of Syndesis running in a Minishift environment as described in the Syndesis Quickstart. Most are specific to your environment, so follow the sections below for a quick setup. The general instructions are:

    • Install a hypervisor for Minishift.
    • Install Minishift.
    • Install the OpenShift CLI.
    • Make sure it’s in your $PATH


If you’ll be using the Homebrew method, you’ll obviously need to have Homebrew installed. Then, to install the hypervisor for Minishift and Minishift itself:

$ brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve
$ brew cask install minishift

Finally, to install the OpenShift CLI, we recommend using Homebrew: brew install openshift-cli

Linux & Windows

Please note that you need to have the oc binary available in your PATH. To do that, see here:

First-Time Setup

The goal here is to download the project to your laptop/PC, and to install Minishift, the VM that contains OpenShift.

$ git pull # or own fork
$ cd syndesis

# install minishift
$ syndesis minishift --full-reset --project syndesis --maven-mirror --disk-size 60GB

You can also include other options when setting up, for example including an addon:

# install syndesis with jaeger addon
$ syndesis minishift --install --project syndesis --nodev --app-options " --addons jaeger"

Running without Kubernetes/OpenShift

For some development tasks you can run Syndesis without running on a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. You won’t be able to publish integrations, see activities or gather metrics, or any other functionality that requires a running cluster. This is best suited for quick turnaround development of backend APIs together with UI features. You’ll need three components running the Syndesis backend, the PostgreSQL database it uses and the UI.

Start by running a PostgreSQL database in a Docker container:

$ docker run -d --rm -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=syndesis postgres

Next run the Syndesis backend, this step requires that you have downloaded all the dependencies and built the backend:

$ syndesis build -f -c --backend # to download dependencies and build the backend
$ (cd app && ./mvnw -f server/runtime spring-boot:run)

The backend is started once you see a line containing this in the output:

Started Application in 28.9 seconds (JVM running for 29.615)

After that UI can be started by running (in two separate terminal sessions):

$ (cd app/ui-react && watch:packages)
$ (cd app/ui-react && BACKEND=http://localhost:8080 yarn watch:app:proxy)

You can now access a running instance at https://localhost:3000.

Use latest image instead of fixed version

Sometimes the operator pod does override the version we have installed so we can’t really test our own custom code. We can manually set the image stream to latest in OpenShift console and build the syndesis-operator image with syndesis CLI.

eval $(minishift docker-env)
oc login -u developer -p developer
oc project syndesis

syndesis build -t -f -m operator

docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) $(minishift openshift registry)

docker tag syndesis/syndesis-operator $(minishift openshift registry)/syndesis/syndesis-operator

docker push $(minishift openshift registry)/syndesis/syndesis-operator

After this we have a new syndesis-operator:latest image in the Minishift registry and the syndesis-operator deployment starts working. The operator will automatically setup arbitrary deployments for syndesis-oauthproxy, syndesis-db, syndesis-prometheus and pull the images.

Get the Latest Changes

Every now and then we should update the code we are working on to get the latest changes to make pull requests easy to merge.

$ git pull --rebase origin $branch

where $branch is usually master.

Install Maven Nexus as mirror

It is a good idea to have a local Nexus installation that Maven can use to cache dependencies. We can automatically install a maven mirror on our environment with the following command:

$ syndesis dev --install-maven-mirror

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